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How to Get Better When You Could Get Bitter. A vison for reaching the community. We need a revival about Love. What is the purpose of the Church. What Does the Bible Say? Is a ministry of Faith Independent Baptist Church, located in Niceville, Florida. We are an old fashioned Bible believing church.
Selamat Datang di Holy Bible Society. Holy Bible Society adalah sebuah organisasi Kristiani internasional yang didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menjadikan Alkitab dapat lebih diakses bagi semua orang. Kami menfokuskan pada penyediaaan Alkitab dalam format yang dapat dinikmati semua orang di dalam era digital sekarang ini, agar Firman Allah dapat tertanam dalam hati sebanyak mungkin jiwa dan sesegera mungkin.
Our story of great loss and great love. This year would have been big for us. you would have been starting kindergarten. I had your whole life mapped out for you. You were going to do big things, my dear. none of which were posted by me.
HBS 는 보다 많은 사람들에 성경을 배포하는 것이 목적으로 설립된 세계적인 기독교 단체입니다. 성경을 디지털화 하여 배포하는 저희 사역은 하나님 말씀이 더 많은 사람들에게, 더 빨리 심겨질 수 있도록 하기 위함입니다.